In surajpur district there is a village named Girjapur located 18km away from Odgi block.  The people of the village dependent on farming for their livelihood and on the other hand some are dependent on low wages. There is a government primary school in this village, which has 53 children. In this school some children had low attendance, which was affecting their education. The reason behind this is that the family of low attendance children is very poor and they were unaware about their roles. They work in other homes for their livelihood and they didn’t get time for their children.

For the past one year, Samerth Charitable Trust is running a Seekh program in this village. Under which Seekh Kendra have been opened. In this seekh kendra children are given a friendly environment with the help of youth of Girjapur. In this seekh kendra volunteers are selected from the village, they daily teach children in morning and as well in evening for an hour. Under this program when the samerth team reached the village, they came to know about the situation of low attendance in school. Samerth team contacted head master of the school and received the list of irregular children. After talking to the school teachers, it was found that the children are good at studying, but they do not come school regularly due to the burden of household work. Due to which they are now going towards wrong path.

After understanding the situation, the meeting was held in the village in which every irregular children’s parent were present. In meeting parents were inspired to send the child to school regularly and discussed the current problems with them. Also, team were told them that whatever children study in school they should revise it at home, it will increase their understanding. They were also told to bring children school to keep them away from wrong company. Along with this, parents were told about the instructions and limitations of household work for children. Children were inspired to go to school regularly as well as play with good children.

At first, parents were not expressing their interest in what was said by the team. Team was visiting their home again and again and asking the child is going to school regularly or not? If children are going to school then their learning level is changing or not? After sometime they started taking interest in their children education. Now parents are paying full attention to their children education and as well as their activities.

Now parents send their children to school regularly and are more aware about their activities. They also fixed the work of children at home. Now they regularly asked their child about the activities of school and also visit their school to observe the current condition of their child.