A village named Badkapara is in block Bhaiyathan, located 18 km away from Surajpur district. The village is located in tribal area, people mostly go outside the village for their livelihood and are more dependent on low wages than farming. There is a Primary School Masira in the village with total 61 students, which has 33 boys and 28 girls. On the other hand, there are 3 teachers in the school and they used to do continuous teaching to children. But due to lack of learning environment around the children at home, they forget the subject taught in the school. The level of education of the school children according to their class seems very low. Parents were not interested in the education of their children because they were uneducated and also unaware about their roles, which was affecting the educational level of children there.

For the past one year, Samerth Charitable Trust is running a Seekh program in Badkapara village. Under which Seekh Kendra have been opened. In this seekh kendra children are given a friendly environment with the help of youth of village. In this seekh kendra volunteers are selected from the village, they daily teach children in morning and as well in evening for an hour. Under this program when the samerth team reached the village, they came to know about the level of education of children. This problem was first identified by the head master and he told about this to samerth team.

After knowing the problem, the meeting was held in the village, in which 14 parents from five villages were present. At first, parents said that they do not how to read, how can they teach their children? In this situation, they could not think about their children’s education. Somehow samerth team convince parents and they were told in the meeting that they should first tell the children to read for an hour at home. Make a habit in children to read daily. Try sitting with them and listen. With this you can monitor them and their study. Also, whatever children study in school, when they will come home read it again, it will increase their understanding.  Hearing this, some parents adopted this process. After had a meeting with the parents again, it was found that 9 parents have adopted this process. When visiting their home, it was seen that they regularly tell their children to study at home and also started sitting with them to observe their study. They also inspire other parents to do the same.

Parents were uneducated, so it was very difficult for them to help their children in study. Even after knowing this, it was very challenging for team to prepare them for the education of their children.