There are 38 families residing in Skulpara village, Bodla block in Chhattisgarh. One hand pump and 2 wells provide drinking water to these families. During peak summer months, one hand pump and one well would dry up. All the 38 families rely on one well for which they would have to walk at least a kilometre multiple times a day. As the entire village would depend on a single well for all their entire drinking water needs, it would be perpetually crowded and there would always be a long queue.

Samerth started working on Participatory water management in Bodla block in 2017. Samerth team started working with the community on spring management in 2019. Now the villagers receive drinking water year round within 100 meters from their homes and do not face any congestion as now they have 2 water sources.
During Covid -19 pandemic as none of the villagers could go out, this structure ensured the water availability for the villagers for health & hygiene management.