Article by Samuhik Pahal for WIPRO foundation talks of Samerth Charitable Trust along with a few other NGOs that work in different cities with one of the most vulnerable population, ‘children with disabilities’

After the early days of lockdown, Samerth started ensuring that children do not lose their sense of daily routine. At the time of delivering dry rations, children were handed over exercise books and writing material. Since parents were at home, they were encouraged to help children. Eventually, smartphones were used to take oneon-one sessions between parents and therapists. “Despite the circumstances, we tried to work closely with them. We will try and see that none of the children drop out, but we don’t know what will happen. At a broad level, it is very essential that NGOs continue to receive funding or else they might not be able to provide support as required,” says Gazala. The moral dilemma of giving a task to staff members

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