Pravin Ranabhai Bhopa, resident of Kanmer Village enrolled in Samerth’s Gagodar based boys’ hostel* in the year 2009 when he was in Std. 7. He was very eager to study so he decided to stay in the hostel from 2009 to 2011 where he completed Std. 7th, 8th and 9th. His family decided to take him back to Kanmer village after 2011. With his passion to study he enrolled in Gagodar village Boys School and completed his studies up to Std. 12th by travelling daily to Gagodar from Kanmer which is a distance of 7 kms, by walking a few kilometers and then taking a local transport.

Pravin got selected for written test examination in Army after clearing their Oral , Practical and Physical fitness exams conducted by the authorities. There were 1200 boys  who appeared for the examination and Pravin is one out of 200 students selected for the written test. Pravin even cleared the written test and currently he is undergoing training at Jabalpur. He is a first from his village to join army. Currently in 2020, he is undergoing training in Chandigarh, where he is posted.

*Samerth Trust operates a boys’ hostel in Gagodar  village in Rapar , Kutch with lodging, boarding and tuition facilities. The hostel is exclusively meant for boys from marginalized and disadvantaged backgrounds. Since inception in 2008, 250 boys have benefitted from the hostel. In the academic year 2019-20, three boys from the hostel has appeared in examination of Std.12 th. And four boys have appeared in Std.10th.