Deepak grows in confidence

Deepak, a 16 year old child with locomotor disability and mental illness, resides with his family in Raita village, Dharsiwan block in Raipur district. Due to his disability he was often socially excluded & ostracized by his own family and community. His family kept him hidden. He was not certified and didn’t have ‘Disability Ration […]
How Saniya is Winning against Obstacles in life

Life has not been easy for Saniya who was born with Cerebral Palsy in a family with meagre earnings, making it that much harder. Lack of resources and social stigma of raising a girl-child with disability forced her parents to confine Saniya to their house for the first 12 years of her life! Saniya, at […]
Aftab knows no challenges!

Aftab Sayyed has been a regular, at STK since he was nine years old. He has significant difficulties in speaking and comprehension as a result of him being intellectually disabled. He was quite challenging for the teacher at the centre to handle. He was dependent on others for his small activities like wearing his clothes, […]