Kaushalya benefits from organic farming

Kaushalya a resident of Santpali village in Basna block participated in many training/meetings organized by Samerth Charitable Trust under the Suposhan project. This project is conducted by Samerth with financial support of IGSSS. Kaushalya took a long time to understand the method of organic fertilizers but Samerth team took time to make her understand the […]
Alfina and Naznin Bhayani’s Journey to Better Education

Alfina and Naznin Bhayani are two sisters who came to the Samerth’s Shastrinagar centre. They were 6 and 8 years old respectively when they first came to Samerth. They have never been to a school or aganwadi and could not read or write. Their father works at a petrol pump as night watchman and their […]